Red deer

Red deer photo safari

In winter the huge herds of red deer in the highlands descend from the high tops to the glens to seek shelter from the severe weather at high altitude. Many of the estates provide supplementary feeding for the animals, ensuring their survival and maintaining strong populations. This attracts the deer to return regularly to given locations. Your guide Ian MacLeod knows all the best spots not only to find and photograph the deer but also to ensure the best backdrops and light for given locations.

I recommend bringing a selection of lenses as it is not uncommon for the deer to be too close to use a long lens, and the locations are deliberately chosen for the amazing backdrops as well as the deer. Normally little walking is required and good composition allows us to get great images close to the road whilst maintaining a feeling of the wildness of the place. However, if roads are impassable due to snow there is often an opportunity to get some great shots by trekking a couple of miles along the road to get to the deer. Please be prepared for cold weather and wear good footwear. However, we will not be doing any serious hillwalking! 

Cost £495.00 for up to 4 persons. The trip is approximately 6 hours

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Stags in the snow

Forest of antlers


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